Thursday, July 21, 2011

Catch up!

So as many of you know my lovely sister moved back to the Land of Sunshine. I've been busy helping her set up house and what not. Its been so much fun and very busy I'm not even close to being done yet. The small hours of the morning did allow for some crafting it was nice. I got some new earrings done and began work on a large tatting project.

Mask work will begin once I have a lighter and more manageable schedule. I've very excited to be making new masks though.
I'm kinda on a timeline so next month will be very busy. But its very exciting none the less. I had to leave thee tatting out of Raven's Kiss I couldn't get logistics on it to look like I wanted. I traded tatting for chains and beads. Well I'm tired and gong to go relax! Take care everyone!

Dream Big!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Drawing on Inspiration

Sometimes I am asked where do you get your ideas, how do you come up with your projects? I draw on so many sources of inspiration, fantasy art, books, nature, history. Even hardware can be inspiring. Its almost funny the things I can find inspiring.

This Sketch is something I doodled while studying the great Frank Frazetta ,who is one of my favorite fantasy artists of all time. The movie "Fire and Ice" had huge influence on the sketch. There so many things I find inspiring its sometimes hard to keep up with my own personal goals.

One time I was sitting at the table telling my mother "I'll never get to do it all, I have some many things I want to do. I just won't be able to get to everything". My mother as wonderful as she is looked at me and said "You can do whatever you want." As simple as that she created a monster who lives, breathes, and dreams creativity. So Whatever inspires you grab it both hands and dream big.

Keep Dreaming

A Dragon's Horde : Vesperion

This painting is acrylic on 12x12 canvas, I did this piece because I happen to love dragons. He came out a little bit on the cartoon side though. I rather like the idea of a dragon and his treasure horde. I was inspired by my friend's brilliant post on Dragon Awareness. It was humorous and enlightening on the epidemic of dragon attacks and how they effect our lives. If only dragons existed. This is my Dragon Vesperion watching over his horde. I'm still happy I made this piece.

Another piece of art I made that was inpired by dragons is the Dragon's Heat Stone Cuff Bracelet, a one of a kind piece inspired by Robin Mckinly's "Hero and the Crown." I read this book when I was very young but it enchanted me nonetheless. In the book it was said that the last drop of blood from a dragon's heart created a powerful stone that was neither good nor evil it just was. That was something I thought about when I made the piece. I'm still currently at work on tatting that dragon and not messing him up this time!!!!

Dream Big!!


Beautiful Bows

I found our awhile back how to make really cute clay bows and they make even cuter rings. I think polka dots on black look just as darling. I made these for fun but since learning how to make a bow I've used it in countless projects. I've also come across another cool clay technique using acrylic paint and liquid clay. I have yet to try it but the effect should pretty interesting.

Something I'd like to try for the steam punk project. Also as for the bows I'll be adding another one to Project Candy. After some intense research I am defiantly going to try leather carving and leather mask making. I've always wanted to work with leather. Also working leather will help with my mempo piece. The week looks pretty busy with moving my sister in hope to get back to everyone soon.

Dream Big!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mask Concept!

Finally, ready to show off my concept sketch for my Steam punk mask. Usually I just make my masks with out giving single hint as what I'm up to. I am planning making this one of my half masks. I'll need to start ordering cogs, gears, Roman numerals and ostrich feathers. I'm so excited about making this piece, I'm on the fence about adding a working music box to the front as well or using that on another mask.

The color scheme will be in jewel tones and with blacks and gold. I all ready have an idea fo my Silent Auction piece, I'm thinking in the realm of a Wine Goddess. something similar to Harvest Goddess mask but so much more ravishing and luxuriant. I really love the thrill of being inspired. Its like tapping into something truly magical.

I did sleep better last night, Today was nice I spent it with my Sketchbook drawing, Its been such long time since I've touched my colored pencils and inks. I had a great training session with my puppy Today, he was pretty good today. A huge Storm blew in over my house, made m think of Winnie the Pooh and Hot tea. I'll be a bit in out next two weeks I'm helping my sister move in. We'll have get things set up house for me to be able to post. I'll try to get some Twitter and Facebook posts in and some pictures hopefully.

Take Care


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Double Stitches

I'll admit it today was fairly unproductive. I managed to try a new tatting technique and start half of the anklet but, last night I slept terribly. I did take a short walk outside but it just wasn't enough. I am however quite pleased with new design I attempted and progress of the anklet. I'll be making a second version of piece I made today with cleaner looking stitches. It ended up smaller than I wanted due to me having to cut and remove some of my work. My dragon's body is a little further along by now as well.

As for the anklet I was asked to make something beaded and small the pattern is rather simple for my first attempt I left the ends long so it could be tied on, In more exciting news I've my gotten my hands on some a paracord for making a survival bracelet and bullwhip. I found those projects on Instructables. I started my project for Handmade Christmas this year. My attempt is to hand make all my gifts It will be tedious time consuming but all much more worth it.

I've decided on two pieces for Silent Church auction in Biloxi, I want to work on. One being piece similar to my La Vie en Rose necklace and second a mask. I'm a making list of materials so I can start on my Steam punk mask. I also have project for making a Mempo, I need to work the details of that. Project Candy is on Hold this week, I'll resume next week with lace and necklace piece. That's all for today tonight I hope to catch some proverbial Z's.

Hearts and Stars


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Freshly Picked Summer Strawberries

Yay what a productive day!!! Finally finished and published my how to on make String Art Earrings. Here are my strawberry earrings! I loved how these came out I think capture summer well. I used mix of silver and crystal beads to add as charms around my sculpted strawberries.

Tatting so far on Raven's kiss has pain and very tedious I've cut my work completely off four times and start over by now. I'll get these earrings completed tomorrow I hope! In further news I
completed "La Vie En Rose" now to make gift box for ti and ship it on its merry way, I am glad it came out so nicely I'll be making another one for my shop. Aside from tackling Raven's Kiss and Project Candy my next piece in tatting will be an anklet. Shouldn't be too hard.

See ya Soon


How to Make String Art Earrings

Its finally complete! if you have questions feel free to comment or leave message on my fanpage.

How to Make String Art Earrings

Project Materials and Tools

Pliers Roundtip and Clippers
Bamboo Skewer or Coiling Tool
12 gauge wire
26 gauge wire
1-2 colors Embroidery Floss
Ear wires

Step One : Cut atwo five to six inch pieces of 12 gauge wire and form into a tear drop , with one side longer than then other.
Step Two: Take your bamboo skewer or coiling tool and coil about 1-2 foot of 26 gauge wire. repeat this step for the other earring.

Step Three: Remove the coil from the skewer and open it by pulling apart from itself some. Take the open the coil and insert the the end of the teardrop frame. Slide your coil around the frame and clip off leaving enough to wrapping to close it off.
Step Four: Bend the short of the Tear drop for the top into loop and wrap the longer piece around the bottom of the bent loop and clip off the excess. Also the pieces of coil at the can now be wrapped around the base to secure them.

Step Five: Separate one strand from your embroidery floss it will need to be long, the one with little bit of satin finish or sateen look the best for this project. Tie it the top of your tear drop then bring the string down to the middle coil you could count the coils or eyeball it.fromthe middle move back forth looping the top coils, this should start to cover the top part. of your earring. Once you are halfway down on both sides bring the string back to the top and tie off, leave the tail until your finished.
** If using only one color thread move in a circular pattern until the whole piece is covered.

Step Six :Take the second color thread a the top one again go back down the middle. This time loopthe thread around coil next to where your over strung part leaves off. Repeat until both sides are covered. Then take all tail threads and tie them off at the top clip them our wrap around your base.

Step Seven: Add Ear wires to the top and you are finished, you can also embellish with beads so on so forth.

This Tutorial is For personal use only, Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Works in Progress

I finished the "La vie en Rose" pendant, today. Seven roses, didn't take as long as I thought it was going to. Now to finish it. I'll admit this one is not for Etsy or myself. Its present for someone. But mum is the word! I feel like my projects have started becoming tedious types that require work and planning and can not be done in mere few hours a piece. That's good think its quality in piece of art not quantity. The Project Candy lace and rose earrings have been started and along with necklace concept.

There is so much to do, however I don't mind it at all. working on my passion is what drives me to it. There's just so much I want to accomplish. I think if people got to peek into my creative epicenter it would look like the Mad Hatter's Tea party in an aquarium. My Raven's Kiss earrings are getting closer to being completed the next step will be needle tatting and bead work. String art Tut is just about done I figure I'll be adding it here and on Instructables. The hardest part has been getting good clean photos when its only me working the camera. I could use a third arm . That completes it for today.

See ya soon

Monday, July 11, 2011

La vie en Rose

There's a wonderful song by Louis Armstrong, called "La vie en Rose." It was part of my inspiration for the start of the week. I love the beauty of a Rose. I do also love Gardenias, Snapdragons, Sweetpeas and so many other flowers. Not much covers the elegance of a rose. I mixed up a burgundy hue from clay and got started on a focal for a necklace. It will possibly consist of seven burgundy roses. I also started on piece I am calling Raven's Kiss. Its a pair earrings combining wire wrapping, sculpting,
bead work, and needle tatting.

I really like how these are coming along. They work towards part of my idea for my steam punk mask. Nothing like getting some inspiration from one project and being able to use it on another project. I finally completed a set of Project Candy earrings. They came out really well. I finally restarted tatting my dragon. I printed the directions out and decided to work on this when I am fully concision this time. I'd really like to slay this dragon.

My fishing trip was a bust, yesterday. I had fun though, got some really good strikes, though. Better luck next time I suppose. Today was nice I got in good solid sculpting and time work on my sketch, Also got some supplies organized and more work on my String Art Tutorial. I have few more photos to take then to complete instructions that are easy to understand. Other than today has been pretty productive I plan on getting a work out in tonight.

See ya Soon!


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dragons! and Candy

How not to tat your Dragon! Exhibit A! Misreading the pattern late at night and mixing your R's or rings up for Ch, or chains. I was so excited when I found this pattern. It's called the Minor Flaying Norwegian Dragon by Anne Buvold and can be found here. It was a good start I plan on attempting this one at more reasonable hour than 3 in the morning. If you have problems if split rings Totusmel has an excellent video explaining how to do them on a needle you check that out here. I'm still very much so a tatting novice. But learning is fun the part! I will conquer the Dragon pattern. The Intatters forum is pretty awesome too.

I have a Project Candy update today! The pieces are dripping with crystals and glazed. Next step for the earrings is assembly. I Also made some strawberry charms I might use those for earrings. These earrings will be extra sweet
But I also want to make something very Victorian and lacy to cover
both styles. This coming week I will be starting on pink sculpted roses maybe even a red rose.

I'm not ready to show my mask concept sketch yet! The sketch is not ready yet. As much as I would like to share it. I did yard work today, went shopping. Spent time with my husband and my puppy. It was nice a Saturday. Tomorrow I plan on hitting the beach for sun, fun and fishing! I also started putting a tutorial together for my string art earrings I look forward to posting that here for everyone soon. Till then!

See ya soon,


Friday, July 8, 2011

Here's to the weekend!

It's been a very productive week here at my tiny corner of creative space. I enjoyed every moment of the magic. A short recap, Project Candy is in full swing, I should have earrings completed soon to show off the first part! I made a small earring pattern and sculpted plumeria hair pins.

Now for today's crafting, I spent some time making some rather large statement feather earrings as pictured to the left. The longest feather is 8 inches. I used natural feathers for a more native, bohemian look. These earrings are nice and flashy as well.

Another style I attempted was Peruvian String Art. Those came out really well, though my photo does not give do them justice. These where a challenge to make but I am very pleased with the outcome! The Steam punk mask sketch is going well. I'll be able to post something on that soon.

Other than that I had a great day with my puppy and my husband . I got new color thread for tatting. I was missing red and burgundy two of my personal favorite colors. Tomorrow I'll photographing Project Candy and tatting. Sunday I'll be at the beach I hope! Also I'm going to start a piece for Aunt's silent Auction that her church holds every year. This is something I really wanted to do and haven't made time for in the past.

See ya Soon


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sculpted Plumeria Hair Clips

Today was nice it rained some outside, which gave me nice break from watering my garden. They do much better after a good rain. My steam punk mask sketch is coming along really well. I'm going to start looking for cogs and other pieces to attach, a working watch face would be interesting concept to add as well.

Project Candy Update, I figured out a unique tatting pattern for a nice statement ring. I'll need to sculpt more roses for the ring. The earrings are almost completed. I'm attaching swarovski crystals to them and really making them sparkle. Also adding glass glaze to the as nice finish as well.

I started working on my Plumeria sculptures, again these came out far better than my first attempts. I used white Fimo Clay and some chalk pastel shavings to get the yellow orange
coloring just right. I attached them to flat back bobby pins. I'll be making a few more of these to put in list in my Etsy shop soon. Also this rose is from a set of two hair clips I was commissioned to make they came out really well. The Client was really happy with them. Hair accessories will be a nice new addition. Well that's all for now!

See ya soon.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gator Tatting and New Mask Design

So I did some practice pieces just playing around with different techniques. I made a split ring and then used basic clover. These came out great I added an extra picot on one side but other wise I'm fairly pleased. I'm going to try sculpt roses with flatbacks I'd like to make one for a necklace pendant. The colors are the Florida Gators team colors, my sister had suggested making some she could wear them.

Today was a really good day, I managed to get a lot accomplished, I got in a really good workout and mowed the backyard. I also spent some time slaying the laundry dragon. I finally have a new mask design I've been wanting to play with Steampunk for awhile now. I want to use gold and black and possibly burgundy theme similar to my Bordeaux et Rose Niore Masque. I plan doing s sketch tomorrow of my idea and seeing how I want to do this one before I start making blank mask with clay. I really want to incorporate some tatting into the piece. I'm very excited about making a new mask, i haven't made in about 6 months. Project Candy is coming along will I'll have some photos of those ready soon. It feels great to feel inspired to create. I'll working on interviewing some of the talented Artists I know. I'll leave you with a Quote from my friend today on my Fanpage:

"You've tainted me. Now I feel incomplete when I don't craft at least part of my day."- Jason K.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Project Candy and Tackling A New Pattern.

Today was a good productive day I finally got my box of feather supplies organized and under control. I also stated sculpted some cupcakes and bows for Project Candy. One of her favorite colors is pink these are first set of cupcakes I've made they have not been glazed yet. I plan making few more designs and tatting some lace work. I decided to start with earrings first. I'm working on putting together another simple small motif pattern for them.

Other things I worked on during the day today were tackling Totusmel's scarf pattern. Its not difficult pattern its just time consuming I really want to come out nice looking. I first attempted this sock yarn it well was pretty rough looking. I found some Patons Silk Bamboo the color is
is called Orchid. I really like this yarn so far its nice and satiny. That's all for today I'll have more on Project Candy tomorrow. I am hoping to put a how to craft project together. Till next time
Happy Crafting.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Catching Dreams

I made these Dream catcher earrings during my creative hiatus. I had never thought of wearing dream catcher as an earring. I have however always loved how beautiful they look. I used emerald thread and pheasant feathers with leftover Swarovski Crystals, from a previous project. These are now one of my favorite pairs to wear.

Today is the Forth of July I hope everyone is having a fun and safe holiday. I have been so far, I had beakfast with my husband and my puppy has decided to be super sweet today. For those of you who don't know I own a Lab mix named Tor, I call him Tornado. I got him a year from shelter and he's one of the loves in my life. I did manage to get amazing photos today, its always better to catch the sunlight. My
Fairy Dust Bottles and and some small rose sculpture earrings are listed on Etsy.

I mentioned yesterday Project Candy, I am going to work on making some Sweet Lolita style Jewelry in Honor of my friend Candace. She is a wonderful artist and quite talented
I am hoping to make these as statement pieces and have them reflect some of her personality as well. If you would like know more about Candy you can check her out here at Deviant Art.

Current projects for the moment are tatting all two million stitches in this scarf pattern by Totusmel. Working on first Tutorial for sculpting my roses. Many many many more wondrous things. Tomorrow will be Featuring the Start of Project Candy! Till next time Happy Crafting!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sprite Dust and Pink Pearls

So here they are after missing out on great sunlight for photos, I didn't want to wait to post them, I'll take better photos for my Etsy. I'm having one of those klutzy days where I seem to be tripping over my own feet. I spilled my supplies, nearly face planted in the parking lot, misplaced my camera with two minutes of setting it down.

I've had these little bottles sitting in my supply box for at least a year. I filled them my favorite own homemade Sprite dust, recipe will be below. It has a lovely floral scent to it. I've just always loved fairies. I have a collection of beautiful figurines given to me by my family. Each bottle has a hand sculpted rose, leaves and brass butterfly. On the top are tiny blue beads and pearls , they reminded me of fairy baubles.

Homemade Sprite Dust Bath Salt.
2 cups Bath salt
1 tsp glitter
7 drops blue soap coloring
2 drops Plumeria Fragrance
2 drops Apple Fragrance
1 tsp olive oil

In a large bowl combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Then put into a beautiful bottle and give as a gift or keep for your own uses.

Now on to the Tatting! I made a simple very Basic Tatting pattern for these Pink Earrings. I like how it came out. I made these by experimenting. I'm still at the very basic level of tatting but playing around is fun.

Little Princess Motif for Earrings


size 5 tatting needle
small crochet hook
10 crochet cotton

Leave a decent length sized tail, maybe about 1ft.

Start your Ring with a Josephine chain of 70 and close the ring and reverse your work.
then start the next Ring with 4 double stitches , 1 picot , 4 double stitches, close and hide end threads. Then just embellish with beads and you have really simple tatted earrings.

For short hand

R Jospehine ch 70, cl, rw
R 4 ds, 1p, 4 ds, cl
Hide ends.

I hope that was not too confusing for anyone to understand! Have a Happy 4th of July Tomorrow and be safe! Tomorrow I will be posting my Dream catcher earrings and launch Project Candy.

Happy Crafting!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

You can Follow me now!

I launched a Facebook Page today and a Twitter account! I'd like to thank all those who are supporting me, its just amazing, thank you so much. Today was a nice day, I got some tatting done and made a tiny pattern for tatted Earrings. They are very cute so far I'll have a photo of them soon. My Fairy bottle earrings are close to being finished, I sculpted some miniature roses for them. Ran to Michael's with my Step mother in law, bought more supplies for more crafting mayhem.

Here's how to follow me:

Twitter : #TatteredCanvas

I hope everyone is enjoying there Holiday weekend! I'll have my simple tatting pattern, and my Fairy bottle Earrings in my next post! Have fun following my crafting antics.

Happy Crafting!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Needles and Yarn : An Artist's Trip into the Tatting World

It all began as I sat at my desk skimming my news feed on Facebook, Craftovision, made post about Totusmel's Barefoot Sandals pattern. I was so intrigued I clicked the link and went down the rabbit hole. Suddenly I found myself upside down. Words and names likes rings and Josephine chains and amazing images of her work. I was awestruck. Thus began my needle tatting journey.

I started by finding tools, Tatting needles were indeed tricky to find. Then there's yarn of course! I found my tatting needles while on vacation in Mississippi, tucked away in Hobby Lobby. Yarn was fun to shop for I found shop on Etsy called PomPomPurses and the Kimberly happened to be selling Large collection of Vintage Threads. Those however I accidentally shipped to my mom's house and had to wait till after my trip to retrieve them.

So armed only with needles and Black crochet cotton, my sister I decided to tackle the Flower pendant, tutorial by Totusmel. Pain staking hours passed as I worked into the night and finally produced something resembling the desired pattern.
After some sleep the next day I started again, I was determined to make this happen! So here are two of my best flowers thus far! After completing flowers, I had to find another pattern.

Lucky for me and everyone else Totusmel has quite a few! The second pattern was "The Fluerette necklace", this one I did in two parts, tatting the fluerette by itself to learn the pattern and get feel for it, then the entire necklace. So far I really like needle tatting, its something new and untouched, and applications are so wide. I am certainly not making my grandmother's doilies. I plan completing and mastering all of her Tatting Tutorials one by one this should be an epic quest. If you'd like to check Totusmel's awesome works she's listed in the Inspiring Artists section of my blog.

I'm going to keep tatting it is really challenging and hopefully learn to incorporate it in my other works. I've got lot's of good ideas brewing up in my head. In other exciting news My garden is doing well, My herbs and plants are growing so well. I picked up purple bamboo silk yarn today for an attempt at Totusmel's Scarf pattern. I also going to put together a piece on fairy bottle earrings. I really hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend. Till Next Time Happy Crafting!
